Stephanie Wagner: Speaking Engagements

About Stephanie Wagner
Stephanie Wagner, M.A., M.M., NBC-HWC
Stephanie’s passion for holistic well-being started with an interest in meditation, after years of work in corporate professional development, that led her to study with some of the world’s most renowned teachers like Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, and Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche. Stephanie is inspired to bring mindfulness practice to as many people as possible and does this through her work as the Director of Learning and Development with Healthy Minds Innovations and as a facilitator with a global meditation community.
Stephanie is an accredited health and well-being coach (NBC-HWC), meditation teacher, group fitness instructor (NETA-CGEI), and wellness educator with a master’s degree in Integrative Health and Well-Being Coaching from the University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing. In addition to this work, Stephanie was on the teaching faculty of the University of Minnesota graduate studies program for Integrative Health and Well-being coaching.
Sample talk titles include:
Healthy Minds @Work – Topics related to workplace well-being
Training the Mind for Well-Being
Cultivating Purpose in Uncertain Times